Tuesday, 27 March 2012

Time flying away

And so spring comes once again.  The clocks have gone forward, the daffodils are out.  Let's just hope that, for once, we're not having our summer in March and April, as I'd quite like a summer during the summer this year.

We've only been in our house six years but we're starting to get there with it at long last.  The kitchen is now painted, the yard has been fixed up and painted, the rubbish from the building work has finally gone in the skip.  My fire pit is back out of the shed and I have big logs of wood to set fire to in it.  It's really quite nice to sit out in the yard and think about a job well done.  At least for now, the trouble with these houses is that something else always needs doing.

It's actually been enjoyable doing the painting and the lifting, it's been good to take my mind off the stresses of life with a bit of manual labour.  Taxing enough to have to concentrate but not so much that it needs a lot of thought.  Brainless activity followed by a well earned glass of wine is just what the doctor ordered.  Probably.

I'd love to know where the time goes.  If you find it, could you let me have it back?

1 comment:

  1. You need to post something else. I keep checking in to see your journal and see the scan photo of Rosie, and EVERY TIME I think you are announcing something :)

